
影畫絮語 - 凶宅兒魂 + 公元前10,000年 + 愛在瘟疫蔓延時





4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days - 觀後感

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days realistically describes the process of a girl helping her friend to arrange illegal abortion in1987.

There are several very long shots which help elaborate on the girl's hopelessness and worries. However, that's also why the audience needs to have a longer attention span and the film isn't for everyone. Besides, some people complain that not much happens in the screenplay: 1. The girl looking for a hotel room (35 minutes) 2. The doctor explaining the procedure and bargaining over the price (35 minutes) 3. The girl feeling worried at a party and... (45 minutes). Some people believe this movie might have been more impactful as a short film. In short, some think the long shots are intense, while some find them boring.

The director does not judge whether it is right to undergo abortion and the ending won't surprise you with a twist or dramatic moments. He just realistically describes the suffering of two girls living in a country without freedom. The mainstream audience may find this slow-paced movie boring, but the story looks painfully real.

軍雞 - 觀後感

This adaptation of the comic surprises me visually, which is as surprising as the visual of 狗咬狗. The director successfully creates a world which seems alien to us. Some visuals are comic-like. Well done.

I also love the cast. Mr. Yu Man Lok tries his best to fight with professional fighters, though he looks thinner than the others. I can imagine the difficult time he has gone through. I really appreciate his professional attitude. The girls have functions in the film, instead of serving as "vases" like Ar Sa in "KUNG FU Basketball".

However, the film feels too long and it drags in the middle. Too many fighting scenes which look similar.

Besides, what Mr. Yu fights for is unclear, for his sister? for his own glory?

Moreover, his master teaches him lots of skills and says a lot to inspire him. However, it seems that Mr. Yu has not used those skills in the fighting.

It is nominated for 最佳改編劇本, 最佳動作設計 & 最佳攝影 in 金馬獎入圍名單 this year. I think this film deserves our attention, though my friends were not so satisfied with the mediocre directing.

6 則留言:

  1. 凶宅兒魂 3.5 - 4 / 5 4月3周2日-墮胎日記 3 - 3.5 / 5 公元前10,000年 3 - 3.5 / 5 愛在瘟疫蔓延時 3 / 5 軍雞 3 / 5

  2. 凶宅兒魂我都想睇 未有時間睇4months3weeks&2days呀!
    [版主回覆03/10/2008 12:49:00]凶宅兒魂 - a special ghost story about mother's love. Quite good!
    432 - too slow for me, but very realistic. it can broden your horizons. I remember that you dont like korean films as they are slow... I wonder if you will like this one.

  3. 你地會唔會upload上影畫絮語網架?
    [版主回覆03/10/2008 23:16:00]YES! As Sam is v. busy, the website will be updated tonight. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 432??? um... not a typical Hollywood movie and one scene is quite terrifying. You will be scared. ^^

  4. 我睇過一些資料,《墮胎日記》有一幕是血淋淋的胚胎的樣子,唔……我想睇,但係又驚。
    [版主回覆03/11/2008 19:40:00]1. You should watch it so that you will become braver. ^^ 2. AGREE... not so related to cholera! I forgot to mention it. THX!

  5. 我睇左《公元前一萬年》。開頭似有套講北極動物既電腦動畫,講到「通靈」一段,每個部落都有個「神婆」,又有D似講土著既紀錄片,中間入森林,好多猛獸,又似「侏羅紀」,去到埃及,又搞到有少少似奪寶奇兵。故事好簡單,無咩驚喜,無咩感動到人既地方,無咩共嗚,唯一可取既係電腦動畫迫真自然,唔係「為電腦動畫而電腦動畫」,展示左一片奇幻既史前世界。
    [版主回覆03/12/2008 00:02:00]The box office is quite good in US... I agree with you that the plot lacks surprises. The director's previous movies are more entertaining. Apart from CG, I also like the characteristics possessed by some tribes. hahaha... BUT I still think they should not speak English hahahaha... animation? um... I have reservation on this. I think the problem lies in the plot, instead of the way how the story is visually presented. Still, I totally agree that the relationship between father and son can be emphasized. Thanks for your sharing. ^^

  6. have u seen Woody Allen's "Cassandra's Dream" and "Across the Universe"? Welcome to my blog and share your thoughts there.
    [版主回覆03/15/2008 16:38:00]I have seen Woody Allen's "Cassandra's Dream" and our show will be uploaded in 2 days.
