色,戒故事簡介: 一九三八年,中國正值多事之秋。 一群愛國青年在香港組成話劇團,為國家募款抗戰。劇團團長鄺裕民(王力宏飾)對汪精衛等一眾漢奸極為憤恨,當他得知汪手下的一個特務頭目易先生(梁朝偉飾)身在香港,決定夥同團員,展開暗殺行動。易先生機警精明,等閒之輩難以接近,唯一缺點是好女色;團員決定以美人計對付易先生:由劇團台柱王佳芝(湯唯飾)假扮香港貴婦,先與易太太混熟,繼而藉機色誘易先生,從中製造暗殺機會。



戰‧鼓故事簡介: Sid(房祖名飾演)是一個魯莽衝動的年輕人,生長在一個香港家庭,他因為得罪了黑幫老大而潛逃到台灣,隱匿在深山之中。期間他巧遇紅豆(李心潔飾演),並加入「禪鼓山人」團隊,禪鼓中蘊含之讓人著迷的藝術,嚴格的體魄鍛鍊,以及簡樸的生活態度,終於將Sid 潛移默化成為一個卓越的青年。然而,當Sid 必須回到香港的家時,Sid 擺脫過往的處境,顯然又將受到挑戰。他被迫須在對家人的忠誠與嶄新自我之間做出選擇……


鳴謝: Panasia Films Ltd.
回覆刪除有聽眾聽完我們的節目,有些回應,可到我blog一看,謝! http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mayhk923/article?mid=409&prev=-1&next=379
回覆刪除我都睇完「色戎」,都幾好睇,無冷場。只係唔明白果幾場「四仔戲」係唔係一定要落。似乎無左,或者係含蓄些少都可以。或者依個係賣點,係一個商業加埋藝術上既決定啦。 我去完澳洲番來,影左好多相,得閒過來睇下啦。
回覆刪除听左你地節目喇~我淨係睇左「色,戒」 其實我都鍾意「斷背山」多d, 首先好同意你講0既「餘韻」point~「斷」帶來的衝擊真係幾大。 而另一方面我覺得「色戒」的歷史背景太勁, 我一來唔好歷史, 二來唔係0個個年代0既人, 有時好難投入到0個種愛國情懷、家仇國恨之類;而「斷」講同性戀,則是一個愈來愈受關注的問題, 所以感受會多好多, 亦會反思而家0既同性戀問題囉~~~ 不過, 兩部都係好出色0既電影!!! ps 我去睇0既時候都有自由行......又有勁無品0既中年人士......好無奈:(
回覆刪除看 "色, 戒" 印象最深的是李安, 真想問他如何能把演員帶得這樣出色, 梁朝偉的演技是不用說的, 湯唯和王力宏的戲都叫人讚嘆. 湯唯在戲中有句對白 "他像一條毒蛇一樣鑽到我的心中", 我覺得可以用來形容李安, 在這樣一個看到最深處的導演手中, 一個演員到底要承受多大的壓力呢?
回覆刪除Kin: The sex scenes are necessary as they can show the changing relationship between them. I totally agree with you that it is a 商業加埋藝術上既決定! SuperSweet: Totally agree! BUT I know that some people prefer Lust Caution to BBM because of various reasons. Anyway, both movies are very good! SweetKu & Y: Ang Lee is superb and 湯唯 really needs to thank him!
回覆刪除To Kenji: 不用那麼客氣, 我都很喜歡跟你做節目! 只要你唔當我只是一個guest, 而是個主持就行啦!
回覆刪除睇完色戎後,好欣賞湯唯......so agree!! and i think this moive can be shorter..
回覆刪除there is an anti lust-caution activity held by a christian organisation which i think their opinion is totally ridiculous. Please go to see it and take some action to againist them. http://www.gospelherald.com/template/view.htm?code=min&id=8582
回覆刪除++: You are surely a host... and you sound like a host in the show haha@ Mickey: Perhaps... but it is great that the movie is long, but not boring. Dpangki: Those people are crazy! If there is a forum, I will surely write against them.
回覆刪除Back to top form, man! Another good show!! Do keep it up!!! And congratulations on your growing audience number!!!
回覆刪除Thanks! AND I have to thank Ka Ka for her contribution too! Her view is more professional than mine.
回覆刪除多謝, 太客氣了
回覆刪除++ is very serious and well-prepared! And you're very organized and "technical" too!!! You two really makes a good team Your show is better than those I heard on radio about the movie "Lust / Caution", honestly!!! But why would there be the cellist Trey Lee in the last photo posted up there???
回覆刪除Thanks for your compliment. I also love this episode. 音樂設計上,《戰 ‧ 鼓》 邀請了世界音樂殿堂級大提琴音樂家 李垂誼 ( Trey Lee) 演奏。出生於 香港 的 李垂誼 , 經常以最年輕得獎者的身份贏得多個音樂獎項 , 2004 年 2 月還成為克羅地亞國際楊尼格洛 ( Antonio Janigro) 大提琴大賽的首位華人冠軍 , 引起全球華人社會的哄動。 李垂誼 以他絕佳的感性與精湛的琴藝結合,受到廣大的注目,其他獲得之國際榮譽獎項包括 紐約 南堡國際大提琴競賽、 赫爾辛基 Paulo 國際大提琴競賽以及 日內瓦 國際音樂競賽等大賽殊榮,《戰‧鼓》是他首次 參 與電影作品。^^
回覆刪除Oh....I see! Thanks for your information!!!
回覆刪除I think the sex scenes are not only artistic, but also necessary as they can show the changing relationship between the two leads.
回覆刪除我都覺得那些場面是不能cut的. 反而我覺得影片未能完全解釋到湯唯在經歷了殺人的震撼, 3年後重遇王力宏, 為甚麼仍然肯scarifice自己去進行任務呢? 她本身和易先生無仇, 初時只是因為大學生的滿腔熱情和受王力宏的慫恿, 但3年後應該會較貼近現實, 正如她在戲中的對白也說 '當時真的很幼稚'
回覆刪除1. 湯唯 looked very shocked after they killed the man. 2. 3年後重遇王力宏, 仍然肯scarifice自己... She might think that she has already scarificed a lot (i.e. losing her viginity but could not kill Tony Leung) and wanna do sth for the country. Besides she might still fancy 王力宏... perhaps... How is your new position by the way? ^^
回覆刪除Lots of stuffs to prepare e.g. clip descriptions, resizing the clips, blog content, etc.
回覆刪除Sam will kindly upload the clips tonight. ^^ THANKS!
[版主回覆10/20/2007 00:36:00]Thanks for listening to our show! Welcome to give us more advice in the future ^^
[版主回覆10/22/2007 23:01:00]Thanks a lot for your compliment. I hope you find the show enjoyable and informative.