
盛夏光年 Eternal Summer - 唯美的莫名奇妙

康正行、余守恆是小學同班同學,正行是班長,守恆卻患上「過度活躍症」,一天到晚惹麻煩。某天,小學轉來了一位女生,竟遭守恆施展惡作劇令她當眾出醜。老師為了此事大動肝火,委派了正行幫助守恆適應校園生活。他倆不自覺地開啟了彼此間的陌生心靈,正行更了解守恆稀奇古怪的世界,二人頓成好友。轉瞬間經歷十數年頭,康正行(張睿家 飾)和余守恆(張孝全 飾)友情不變。高中時代的正行於校社裡結識了惠嘉(楊淇 飾),互相有著淡淡情愫。與此同時,正行發現自己對守恆的感覺超越了好朋友情份。惠嘉發現了這個秘密,她答應永不洩露出去。正行害怕面對自己,開始對守恆諸多逃避。守恆遍尋不果,卻發現惠嘉出現在球場上。惠嘉因為發現了正行的秘密,也對他喜歡的對象產生好奇。三人間微妙的友情、愛情關係,微妙的傾斜起來。

Eternal Summer is a beautifully shot movie reminding me of a song 勞斯.萊斯!

康正行 is a hardworking monitor while 余守恆 is a sporty boy who often misbehaves. The blue sea, the quiet library, the sweaty basketball court, the tiring classroom, the school uniforms, the bicycles, the green field, etc, beautify the movie and remind the auidence of our youth. Do you remember the green field in "All About Lili Chou Chou" and the school in "Blue Gate Crossing"? The movie successfully captures those happy memories of the youth. That's why I love the cinematography and music so much.

However, the plot is weak and you may find the motives for the characters' behaviour unclear. Besides, the acting is mediocre and and the film ends VERY suddenly. With lots of question marks in my mind, I give this film 2.5 stars out of 5. ___________________________________________________________________

Here is the summary of how people on the internet feel about this movie. I hope you find these comments useful. By the way, it's hard to find the pics here on the internet. I love them very much. ENJOY!



好多懷念的場景,清晨蜜月灣無人的沙灘、海浪、沿著沙灘修築的堤防步道、國小操場... 那個我們曾經參與的夏天,似乎也隨著時間逝去。留下的,是回憶~

『每個人 生來就不應該孤獨』這是電影中的引子。你是 Gay, Les, Bi,都值得擁有愛

人長大了,真的什麼都變了... 會讓人懷念校園生活...

深度不足做作有餘, 十七歲的天空好看多了...


說難看不至於, 但就是少了分刻骨銘心的感動 ...

You may listen to the soundtrack here!

20 則留言:

  1. 我都覺得個結局係幾奇怪,因為守恆端白事要跟正行造愛,之後又表示只係好朋友,真係莫名其妙。當然,台灣同志片中佢唔算係最好睇,我都係鍾意「藍色大門」多d,香港就喜歡「蝴蝶」。我只能夠說每個青少年總會經歷過性取向迷失的時候。 p.s. 你個d相我都見過,哈哈哈,不過麻煩係post左上去,我咁樣答你係咪好失望呢。

  2. 藍色大門 is MUCH better than this. I don't like 蝴蝶 as it's pretentious. Still, Eternal Summer is better than 蝴蝶. At least the cinematography is great. So disappointed that you have seen the pics... Nevertheless, I believe most people haven't. HAHAHA  

  3. 我盡量都唔睇人地既影評,我都會呢兩日去睇,睇完寫完先再睇人地,掂知你咁快去睇左,哈哈!

  4. 我冇睇過藍色大門,冇得比較 睇過少少十七歲的天空,覺得唔係咁好睇… 但呢齣,我覺得好ge地方只有張睿家ge演出同埋d音樂,尤其係主題曲

  5. 藍色大門 is very good. Go watch it! 十七歲的天空 is just a slapstick comedy. 張睿家 is just ok... apart from the music, the cinematography is nice too.

  6. If in tai wan, I like <十七歲的天空> then,, if in  hong kong,, I like <美少年之戀>. you can go to my Blog and see this movie's review.. and I like <孽子> in china...

  7. The ones that you have mentioned are shot beautifully. 孽子 has an impressive plot. The novel is great too!

  8. hehe.. remember the song <答案>?? it is the theme song of <美少年之戀> which sang by CoCo Lee. i love this song very much.. so that i choose this song for the singing competition.

  9. 這樣看來,這部電影沒有看都不算可惜了.

  10. It is not a good one, but it is not bad because of the cinematography and music.

  11. 答案? I think I should watch the VCD again... I don't remember this song...

  12. 我睇完同你既 感覺 好相似 !! 我唔會話套戲唔好睇 .... 不過我絕對唔認為佢拍得好 我係抱住好大期望去睇ga , 所以都有些少失望, 因此我覺得佢拍唔到 三個主角 既微妙關係, 好似咩都係交待小小gum ... 而且有時唔知佢想點... 例如守恆同正行have  sex 好似不太合理 , 又例如無啦啦交代小小蕙嘉既 family background, 然後又無左回事.......etc 而且我睇完 都無咩特別 感覺, 可以話係佢touch 唔到我 。 不過套電影都有好既地方, 就係畫面真係幾靚....而且音樂唔錯 , 仲有電影最頭講番佢地小時侯個part , 拍得幾好   另外, ,我都好 中意  <All About Lily Chou Chou > 同 <藍色大門>  ^w^  

  13. yes i luv  "the blue gate". i didnt rmb the details now but im sure i was touched by "the blue gate" more than "eternal summer". it's not bad, still, sometimes youth juz ends without us knowing, mayb juz like this film, or any relationship.

  14. totally agree with two ladies! It is a beautiful film suffering from a paper-thin plot.

  15. 剛開始的感覺真得不錯。 但正如黃格子你說的,爲什麽守恆無端端會跟正行身體上的親密接觸? 唯一可以理解的是,因爲守恆太還怕寂寞了

  16. 守恆太還怕寂寞。 當正行無情地說:“我從來就沒有當過你是朋友。”的時候,守恆的心突然碎了。他不能離開正行。他失控了,然後用強硬的手段佔據對方......

  17. Thanks for your interest in this movie. I still believe it is not likely for a straight man to sleep with a homosexual man just because he is lonely. I have not read the novel, so maybe those who have can clear my doubt.

  18. I think so. It's a story refers to Novel.

  19. 可能我自己讀美術 我記得至深刻既就係阿慧去正行屋企 問佢其實係唔係鍾意守恆一幕 佢出面既夜空深藍色加上屋內既橙黃 燈光 我個得成個畫面好colorful 好match
    套野呢 本身就充滿好多矛盾
    所以睇完 就冇再去深究

  20. 香港近年好似淨係識得拍暴戾黑幫片,台灣電影好似題材比較多元化啲,雖然產量都係越嚟越少 剩下光年
